Monday, July 19, 2010

Don't forget the Webster Family Reunion next week, the evening of the 30th and all day Saturday, July, 31, 2010. It will be at Downata Hot Springs (I have been there and it is way fun). You can stay overnight or just come on Saturday. I am looking forward to seeing everyone. It isn't very often we can all get together anymore and I think we have a blast when we do! Linda has been doing a great job this year getting everything organized, lots of hard work! If you don't know how to get there, just follow I-15 north, past Tremonton, take the Pocatello exit, keep going past Malad, up over the summit and take the Downey exit. You will see signs pointing to Downata. I'll be there, so how could you resist?! ;) I hope everyone can make it! See you next week!