Friday, March 12, 2010

WOW-EEE!!! What a shock this last week has been! As Stacey said, I'm in the ICU at the hospital in Rock Springs. I haven't been feeling too good for a while now, and I guess this is why! A Dr. at the insta-care diagnosed me with Diabetes Tues night with a blood sugar of 350 (it's supposed to be between 80 & 120), sent me home with insulin pills, and told me to go to the lab the next day and get my blood drawn and tested. I didn't make it through the night. About 3:30 AM I couldn't breath and couldn't stand up. Dan rushed me over to the ER and my blood sugar was 600. I don't remember much about that night or the next day. Appearantly I was pretty loopy, and pretty funny. I kept telling the nurses I was in Jackson, they didn't find it very funny... Anyway, we've been working to get the blood sugars leveled out so I can go home, but it's a bit harder than we all expected. They are keeping me in the ICU because I'm very sensitive to any changes in the glucose levels. They're saying it's Type I Diabetes, so I get to have all the fun giving myself injections 4-5 times a day! YIPEEE!!!!
I'm just thankful it's nothing worse... this is totally do-able..

Thanks for the kind words, and all the prayers. I need them, and I can definatly feel them!
Love you all!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'm glad your feeling better Steph Hope all goes well